About this website

2024/Aug/07 · 3 min read


Launching your own website is pretty cool, right?

I’ve bought domains multiple times, set up countless repositories inspired by the greats of software development, and yet, I always run into the dreaded ‘Perfectionist Syndrome.’ I kept aiming to create the perfect, most unique footprint on the web, which meant I never actually got around to publishing my site.

This time, I wouldn’t say I’ve completely overcome the syndrome, but I’m giving it another shot. I heard someone say,

Perfect is the enemy of good.

and it really struck a chord with me. Sometimes, you just have to push past your insecurities and put your work out there, just like everyone else. It’s not as big of a deal as we make it out to be, so here I am, trying again.

I want this website to be more than just a showcase; I want it to inspire me to do more. I want to code more, write more, and yes, read more too. So here’s to another attempt, and hopefully, this one sticks.

So why did I finally take the plunge? I realized that waiting for perfection meant waiting forever. The web is full of great ideas that never see the light of day because someone was too afraid to share them. I didn’t want my ideas to end up in that dark, dusty corner of forgotten projects. It’s like planting a garden and never letting anyone see the flowers bloom.

I also wanted to challenge myself. Creating a website is one thing, but maintaining it, updating it, and watching it grow is another. It’s a commitment to myself to keep learning and improving. Plus, there’s something incredibly satisfying about seeing your own work out there in the world, imperfections and all.

This website is pretty basic and minimal, just the way I like it. It’s a simple space where I can experiment with new technologies, share my thoughts, and document my journey. I hope it becomes a space that not only showcases my skills but also motivates me to keep pushing my boundaries.

And then there’s my love for writing. I’ve always found solace in putting my thoughts into words. Whether it’s technical documentation, blog posts, or just scribbling down ideas, writing helps me process and articulate my thoughts. It’s a way to reflect on my experiences, both successes and failures, and learn from them. This website gives me a platform to share those reflections, connect with like-minded individuals, and hopefully, inspire others who are on their own journeys.

Reading is another passion of mine. Books, articles, blogs – I devour them all. They provide endless inspiration and new perspectives that fuel my creativity and problem-solving skills. Reading keeps me informed and engaged with the ever-evolving world of technology and beyond. It’s a constant source of learning that I can then apply to my projects. Sharing my favorite reads and the insights I gain from them is something I’m excited to do on this site.

So here’s to embracing imperfection, to learning, growing, and just doing. Welcome to my simple, minimal website – it’s a work in progress, just like me. I hope it inspires you to start your own projects, share your own work, and never let the quest for perfection hold you back.

If you’ve read this whole post, thank you so much for doing so. If you can, please drop a message to me at junaidanjum@live.com.

And yes, most importantly, I want to thank Antfu for being the true architect of this website and many more around the web.

Junaid 2024


Inspired by Antfu